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Project Estimator

Note: If you wish to build multiple areas with different finishes, please add them to your Shopping Cart one at a time...

Your Square Footage: (based on 3/8" thickness; add 10-20% for cracked, pitted or uneven base)
Type of Area:
Existing Base:
Rub R Dek® Color Choice:
 Your color...
Rubber Surfacing Starter Kit:Yes, please No, thanks   (FREE with min. 400 sq.ft. order)
Custom Mix Details:
Please check out our most popular mixes in the color picker. But, if you need something unique...
If you specified your color as "Custom Mix" please provide colors and proportions (e.g., 50% Beige, 50% Terra Cotta). Depending on your total area and color percentages, the amount required may increase slightly due to packaging considerations.